
Looking for resources to help support your impact work? Search here!

[FUNDING ALERT] The Arts Grant

Topic: Grants and Funding
rtraction is giving away $25,000 worth of design, strategy and/or communications services to one deserving arts organization!

Start Up London

Topic: Social Enterprise
As a community group Startup London aims to foster entrepreneurship in the city through providing people with a singular source for startup news, events, resources, and a place to connect.

Social Enterprises and Entrepreneurs in London, Ontario

Topic: Social Enterprise
A sampling of some of the social enterprises and social entrepreneurs that are emerging in London.

Social Enterprise Canada

Topic: Social Enterprise
An initiative of ENP Canada and its affiliated sites across the country. Provides information, toolkits, resources, national & regional conversations, social purchasing information, a social enterprise marketplace, and facilitate links...

Social Enterprise Canada

Topic: Social Enterprise
An initiative of ENP Canada and its affiliated sites across the country. Provides information, toolkits, resources, national & regional conversations, social purchasing information, a social enterprise marketplace, and facilitate links...

Impact - A Social Enterprise Strategy for Ontario (2013)

Topic: Social Enterprise
Provincial government paper that outlines the clear steps our government will take to support social enterprises in Ontario, accelerate their growth and establish Ontario as a global leader in the...

Pre-Budget Submission: Stretch Tax Credit

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness
Pillar Nonprofit Network has sent a pre-budget submisison to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance, recommending the implementation of the Stretch Tax Credit for Charitable Giving to promote...

CRTC FAQ - Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation

Topic: Legislation
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission has released Frequently Asked Questions regarding Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation, which includes clarification on exemptions for registered charities.

Supports for Social Enterprises in Ontario

Topic: Social Enterprise
A resource document outlining existing supports available for social enterprises in Ontario, prepared by United Way with the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

Canada Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)

Topic: Legislation
Resources regarding the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation, as it relates to nonprofits and charities: Anti-Spam Legislation - Ontario Nonprofit Network Anti-Spam Legislation - Canadian Law FAQs NEW! Imagine Canada has provided...


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