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SE Ontario

Topic: Social Enterprise
The space for social enterprise and the social economy in Ontario is growing. The SEontario website is a community-driven showcase of social enterprise (SE) and the social economy in Ontario...

Changes to the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (Ontario Nonprofit Network)

Topic: Legislation
What is the status of the new Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA)? What is ONCA? Will the ONCA affect you? Ontario Nonprofit Network provides updates and resources related to the...

The Way We Think About Charity is Dead Wrong - Dan Pallotta TED Talk

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness, Nonprofit Sector Development
Activist and fundraiser Dan Pallotta calls out the double standard that drives our broken relationship to charities. Too many nonprofits, he says, are rewarded for how little they spend --...

Start With Why - Simon Sinek TED Talk

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness, Nonprofit Sector Development
Simon Sinek discusses the principal behind every successful person and business. A simple but powerful model for how leaders inspire action, starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?"

The Canadian Charitable Sector, A New Conversation...

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness, Nonprofit Sector Development
Presentation materials from the January 14, 2015 Community Conversation: Story of the Nonprofit Sector with Stephen Faul, Vice President, Strategic Communications and Business Development from Imagine Canada. Imagine Canada A...

[VIDEO] Top 5 Reasons Working in the Nonprofit Sector is Awesome

Topic: Job Seekers
Search Nonprofit Jobs >>

Not-for-Profit Information Source: ServiceOntario

Topic: Management, Starting a Nonprofit
Helpful information from ServiceOntario about starting and managing a nonprofit.

How to Transition to the New Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (Deadline Oct 2014)

Topic: Legislation, Management
How do you know if your organization is federally incorporated with the Government of Canada? How do you transition to the new Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act ? I missed the...

Volunteer Screening: Volunteer Canada

Topic: Volunteerism, Management
A comprehensive guide from Volunteer Canada on developing volunteer screening policies. Learn about why screening is important and what's involved. Includes a link to the 2012 Edition of the Screening Handbook .

Primer for Directors of Not-for-Profit Corporations

Topic: Board Governance, Management, Nonprofit Sector Development
Directors of not-for-profit corporations are, like the organizations they serve, a diverse lot. Perhaps the two characteristics they are all most likely to share are that they are well-intentioned and...


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