A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Supporters
Your unwavering support and generosity are the driving force behind Pillar Nonprofit Network's success. Because of you, we can enable nonprofits, foster social innovation, and advocate for meaningful change in our community. Each donation, sponsorship, and partnership strengthens our mission and amplifies our impact. We are deeply grateful for your commitment and trust in our work. Together, we are creating a brighter, more equitable future for all. Thank you for standing with us and making a profound difference.
With sincere appreciation,
The Pillar Nonprofit Network Team
Our supporters include the following donors, sponsors and partners:
2023-2024 Donors & Supporters
10C Shared Space
Richard Bloomfield
Stephen Bolton
Carl Cadogan
Canada Life
Vince De Liello
Lissa Foster
Christina Fox
Kate Graham
Janet Grantham
Mary J. Greenwood
Hamilton Community Foundation
Teri Hibbs
Huron University College
Shamrez Iftikhar
Cecile Klerks
The Lawson Foundation
London Community Foundation
Sharron O’Brien
Dirka Prout
Melanie Riley
Miggsie Fund - The Lawson Foundation
The Municipality of North Perth
The Ontario Trillium Foundation
Louise Pitre
Pratap Potakamuri
Joseph Santarelli
Yvette Scrivener
Paul Seale
The Sifton Family Foundation
Ruth Skinner
Cathy Smith
Maureen Spencer Golovchenko
Pam Tobin
Tracey Church & Associates, Research + Consulting Services
Shelby Weaver
The Walter J. Blackburn Foundation
David Wenn
Westminster College Foundation
WES Impact Capital Collective
Wilson & Judith Rodger Fund at the London Community Foundation
Lisa Widdifield
Willy Van Klooster
2023-2024 Network Engagement Sponsors
Bell Canada
BlueStone Properties
Canadian Association of Gift Planners, London Chapter
Canada Life
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Lerners LLP
Libro Credit Union
Quiet Legacy Planning Group Ltd.
Rogers TV
rTraction Canada Inc.
Take5 Digital
Samuel Castillo & Associates, The Cooperators
Tepperman’s London
Tricar Developments Inc.
2023-2024 Pillar Impact Learning Centre Sponsors
Fanshawe Corporate Training Solutions
Fanshawe Employment & Student Entrepreneurial Services
Western Continuing Studies