
Looking for resources to help support your impact work? Search here!

London Community Foundation

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness, Collaboration, Grants and Funding, Social Finance
London Community Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to improving communities across London and Middlesex County. We do this by pooling the charitable gifts of donors to create endowment funds...

Sector Source (Imagine Canada)

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness, Awards and Recognition, Board Governance, Starting a Nonprofit
Sector Source connects charities and nonprofits with resources and information that help them develop their organizations and get the job done for the communities they serve.

Grant Connect (Imagine Canada)

Topic: Grants and Funding
An all-in-one solution for fundraising research, Grant Connect gives you searchable details on thousands of funders and relationship management tools to track your data.

T3010 Quick Prep Tool (Imagine Canada)

Topic: Management
The T3010QuickPrep tool contains a variety of benefits and features to help you file your T3010 quickly and accurately.

techsoup Canada

Topic: Technology
TechSoup Canada is a program of the Centre for Social Innovation , a nonprofit coworking space, community and launchpad for people who are changing the world. Being a nonprofit ourselves,...


Topic: Social Enterprise, Social Finance
In Canada's community sector, business as usual isn’t enough to deliver the results we need. Fortunately, new approaches such as developmental evaluation, social enterprise, social finance, impact and strategic clarity,...

Nonprofit Job Description Toolkit

Topic: Board Governance, Human Resources, Management
Once your organization has defined the role it needs to fill, and the skills, experience, and level of education required (see Designingand Filling New Positions), you're ready to embark on...

Duties and Liabilities of Directors and Officers of Charities and Non-Profit Organizations

Topic: Board Governance
The purpose of this paper is to briefly outline the duties and liabilities that are unique to directors and officers of charities and NPOs. In this regard, the paper begins...

Standards Program (Imagine Canada)

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness, Board Governance, Management
To build excellence within Canada’s charities and nonprofits through common standards of practice and to strengthen confidence in the sector. The goal of the Standards Program is to help Canadian...

Not-for-Profit Incorporator's Handbook

Topic: Legislation, Management, Starting a Nonprofit
The purpose of this Handbook is to provide both the layman and the professional with some general information on the nature of a not-for-profit corporation and guidelines on how to...


Whether you're looking for volunteer opportunities,
networking events or a job in the nonprofit sector, we can help.
