After two federal budgets in which the nonprofit sector was "meaningfully included," Imagine Canada reports, the 2023 Federal Budget misses an opportunity to follow up with "measures that would address chronic issues that impact a sector that provides vital direct services to millions of Canadians in communities across the country."
The new federal budget presented last week by Finance Minister Freeland does offer piecemeal support for targeted nonprofit sub-sectors -- "slim pickings" in the words of Carters -- but does not offer pathways to a home in government, supports for workforce and data strategies, a national action plan on volunteerism, or a recognition of core funding as an urgent need in the sector.
As with the recent provincial budget, Pillar joined a group from Ontario for All, where we agreed quickly that there was "a lot in it," with significant investments in health care, dental care, and clean economy (though they are "one foot in and one foot out" on the last, according to Environmental Defence, also investing in fossil fuels). There are also some affordability measures, perhaps fewer than expected given its dominance in public discourse, but the dental program, a one-time "grocery rebate," and a 40 per cent increase to Canada Student Grants will make a significant difference for some Canadians.
The Ontario Nonprofit Network and Imagine Canada have identified these measures of note to the nonprofit and larger social impact sector:
- $25 million in 2024-25 for the Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative
- $160 million for the Women’s Program in support of organizations that serve women
- $144 million for the Substance Use and Addictions Program to fund community based supports for evidence-based health interventions
- $14 million, starting in 2024-25, to support the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage program.
- $4 billion over 7 years, starting next year, for an Urban, Rural, and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy
- $49.5 million for the Communities at Risk: Security Infrastructure Program with eligibility for some nonprofits
- $117 million to official language minority communities, including increased support for nonprofits serving those communities
- $10 million over two years, beginning in 2023-24, to help address the unique needs and ongoing barriers faced by persons with disabilities, by investing in capacity building and the community-level work of Canada’s disability organizations
- $10 million to the Local Food Infrastructure Fund to strengthen food security in Northern, Rural, and Indigenous communities
- $108 million over 3 years to Regional Development Agencies to support communities, small businesses, and nonprofits
- Commitments from Visa and Mastercard to lower fees for small businesses. (Imagine Canada is seeking information about whether this relief will be available to nonprofits)
- “Improvements to financial intelligence information sharing between law enforcement and the CRA” may impact charities being audited by the RAD, currently under review due to evidence of anti-Muslim bias.
We continue to discuss the federal budget this week with the Canadian Federation of Nonprofit Networks. If there is anything you would like us to bring forward, let us know by email.
Read the budget and more analysis:
- A Made-in-Canada Plan: Strong Middle Class, Affordable Economy, Healthy Future (Government of Canada)
- Better Way Alliance response to Budget 2023
- Budget 2023: A Missed Opportunity for Structural Change (Imagine Canada)
- Federal budget 2023 - What is the nonprofit sector asking for? (Imagine Canada)
- Federal budget 2023: What does it mean for the nonprofit sector? With David Coletto and Jordan Gray (Imagine Canada podcast)
- Budget 2023 out of touch with mental health crisis (CMHA)
- With Budget 2023, Canada phases in the good and fails to phase out the bad (Climate Action Network)
- CHF Canada’s statement on Federal Budget 2023 (Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada)
- Budget 2023 Undermines Canada’s Standing in the World as Government Backpedals on Aid Commitment, Says Coalition of NGOs (Cooperation Canada)
- Federal Budget 2023: Slim Pickings for the Charitable and the NFP Sector (Carters)
- Budget 2023: Nature Canada welcomes almost $2.5 billion in new funding to advance Canada’s commitment to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030 (Nature Canada)
- Budget 2023 Includes Some Investment but Must Fully Address Urban Indigenous Realities in the Near Future (The National Association of Friendship Centres)
- Press Release: Disability Without Poverty response to federal budget (Disability Without Poverty)
- Budget 2023 represents a missed opportunity to strengthen the contributions of philanthropy to Canada in a time of uncertainty and crisis (Philanthropic Foundations of Canada)
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