Twice a year we invite startup social enterprises to join us for 12 months of integrated, supported learning at Innovation Works. Sponsored by Libro Credit Union , we provide ongoing coaching, mentorship, learning opportunities and resources to boost the impact of these social enterprises. Social Enterprise Incubator participants receive: - 3 months of bi-weekly workshops; including business development, strategic planning and impact measurement - 6 months of 1-1 Coaching with... Read More
April 27, 2019
April 24, 2019
#followthefellowship blog entry by Michelle Baldwin Exploring themes from meeting with networks this week including Maytree Policy School , Imagine Canada , Social Innovation Canada , Centre for Social Innovation , WE Global Learning Center and Ontario Nonprofit Network. Themes include: How do you work across different political perspectives? How can Pillar share more about our public policy work? A network approach that spans across sectors, is now necessary for... Read More
April 9, 2019
Organization Name: The Old South Community Organization (OSCO) OSCO is a volunteer organization that helps to bring the Old South community together through fundraisers and events. It also provides a voice to the city on issues important to Old South. What are 3 things that you want people to know about how you or your organization creates change in our community? OSCO assists and supports some of Old South’s most... Read More
April 1, 2019
Organization Name: Wellness & Emotional Support (WES) for Youth Online Based out of Walkerton ON, Wellness & Emotional Support (WES) for Youth Online aims to provide wellness and emotional support for youth through online professional counselling in a safe, secure and confidential manner. We provide free online counselling for youth between the ages of 13-24 years, with a primary focus on rural youth mental health. What are 3 things that... Read More
April 1, 2019
#followthefellowship blog entry by Michelle Baldwin In addition to meeting knowledge partners during her Reflective Practice & Research Fellowship, Michelle Baldwin has been visiting museums engaged in active reflection. Viewing art has sparked curiosity and has helped reveal complex connections. Follow along #followthefellowship Tweets by ml_baldwin Facebook Instagram LinkedInRead More
March 29, 2019
We have all the details on federal budget and feedback, podcast and case studies. Government of Canada's Budget 2019 has provided great momentum for social finance in Canada. In the section " Delivering Real Change ", you can read details and see VERGE featured as a national example in Ontario. You can now weigh in on the Social Finance Fund’s Investment Readiness Stream Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is... Read More
March 29, 2019
Building Better Relationships Research shows that having one caring and supportive adult can have a profound impact in the life of a young person. Yet, young people often report feeling like they aren’t being heard, and that there is a lack of mutual respect when working with adults. In February, YouthRex, led by a group of young people, hosted a Youth-Adult Allyship workshop, where a group of young people and... Read More
March 25, 2019
Pillar is proud to serve as the backbone support for social innovations in our community. With a strong track record in implementing co-created community projects like Innovation Works , VERGE Capital and Social Enterprise Southwest , we are excited to help launch a new platform: CityStudio London. We are looking for an energetic Manager who can work comfortably with/in academic, government, and community organizations. This role places the successful candidate... Read More
March 18, 2019
#followthefellowship blog entry by Michelle Baldwin Exploring themes from meeting with networks this week including Ivey Business School Network for Business Sustainability , Glen Pearson, Frontier College , East Scarborough Storefront and Centre for Connected Communities : More questions than answers when exploring network building and cross sector collaboration. What is the role of a network in convening and sharing knowledge about future disruptors to our communities? How we future... Read More
March 15, 2019
#followthefellowship blog entry by Michelle Baldwin Still learning this vlog life, first time face capture at beginning had me LOL and this time vlog is 6 minutes & too long. Stick with me & I promise I will get these to 3 minutes or less! I was just having too much fun capturing the amazing people I have met at Vantage Point, CityStudio Vancouver, HiVE Vancouver,, RADIUS SFU and The... Read More