LONDON, Ontario -- February 9, 2024. Pillar Nonprofit Network is calling on the federal government to invest directly in equity-deserving communities and to invest in the nonprofit sector as a ready partner in advancing its equity goals. The recommendations are part Pillar's submission to the Department of Finance's "Let's Talk Budget" consultations in advance of the 2024 budget expected this Spring. "The interconnected recommendations . . . comprise urgently needed investments in the social purpose sector’s recovery and sustainability so that – as a complement to direct investment in equity-building – these organizations are fully prepared to help government deliver on its promise of a more equitable Canada."
Pillar is recommending that government:
- Accelerate and expand anti-oppression work by resourcing initiatives that advance Reconciliation and eliminate racism and hate.
- Increase investment in and accelerate work on Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples;
- Accelerate investment in Canada’s Black Justice Strategy;
- Accelerate investment in implementing the federal recommendations to combat Islamophobia from the National Council of Canadian Muslims; and
- Accelerate the development and implementation of a National Action Plan on Combatting Hate.
- Accelerate and expand anti-oppression work by enabling and collaborating more closely with charities, nonprofits, and other social purpose sector organizations.
- Continue toimplement, but also evaluate, changes to the nonprofit and charitable sector regulatory environmentto ensure more equitable disbursement of government funding and funding enabled by government;
- Be a leader in funding the full cost of services contracted to nonprofits and other impact organizations by establishing aminimum core funding threshold;
- Invest in better collaboration between Statistics Canada and the nonprofit sector towardan ethical and equity-focused nonprofit data strategy;
- Create aNonprofit Sector Labour and Workforce Development Strategythat promotes decent work now and in the future economy;
- Invest in the development and implementation of aNational Action Strategy for Volunteerismto reinvigorate Canada’s flagging volunteer ecosystem.
- Invest in the future of Canada’s critical nonprofit institutions and the efficacy of cross-sectoral collaboration by establishing ahome in government for the social purpose sector.
Citing "shared goals and ambitions," the submission pushes back on the idea of a 'charity gap' and notes a growing social deficit caused by underinvestment.
"The sector has weathered under-investment for years but, in the current context of cascading crises, accelerating change, rising costs, falling revenues, decreased giving, and a teetering volunteer ecosystem, nonprofits are in existential crisis, causing moral injury and burnout in its workers and gaps in service to communities."
Read the full submission: Advancing Government’s Equity Goals Through Better Collaboration with the Social Purpose Sector (Written Submission to the Department of Finance for the Let's Talk Budget 2024 Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2024 Federal Budget)