The City of London released its draft Multi-Year Budget for the 2024-2027 period. You can view the budget on the City of London's website here. The draft budget is now undergoing public review and engagement before its approval at City Council in March 2024.
At our Multi-Year Budget Environmental Info Session, we will learn from City Staff about the multi-year budget process and what funding is proposed for capital and operational spending. This session will have a specific focus on funding that is proposed for environmental-related initiatives.
We will also hear from the London Environmental Network and its member organizations - including ReForest London, Thames Talbot Land Trust, London Cycle Link, and Middlesex London Food Policy Council - about how you can advocate for your environmental priorities in the budget.
There will be time for a Q&A and networking throughout the evening.
This is a free event that is open to everyone! You do not have to be an expert to attend. Please register to let us know you'll be there!