Green in the City is an annual environmental seminar series that explores key climate issues through the lenses of local, municipal, and regional speakers. Learn about lifestyle and behavioural changes that support the planet, London’s environment, and you!
Due to COVID-19, we will be hosting all Green in the City sessions online via Zoom. These sessions aim to be interactive for all attendees and will include a breakout room discussion and a Q&A period with all speakers.
Please register for this session through Eventbrite. The Zoom link will be sent to all attendees before the session via email.
Tackling Food Waste | October 27th, 7-8:15pm
According to the National Zero Waste Council, 63% of the food thrown out in Canadian households could have been eaten. This avoidable food waste is a growing problem - in our landfills, in our air quality and emissions, in our food systems, and in our wallets ($$$). In this session, we will explore how like-minded cities are creating a circular economy and eliminating food waste, London's food waste reduction efforts, and how you can make some simple changes in your life to eliminate your food waste!
- Das Soligo, CMMIII Infrastructure Specialist, Manager of Solid Waste Services, County of Wellington
- Vivian De Giovanni, Circular Economy Specialist – Solid Waste, Solid Waste Resources | Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise, City of Guelph
- Anne Boyd, Manager Waste Diversion Programs at City of London
- Kara Rijnen, Co-Founder of Reimagine Co