Discover how to make more sustainable, active transportation choices in London.
Green in the City is an annual environmental seminar series that explores key climate issues through the lenses of local, municipal, and regional speakers. Learn about lifestyle and behavioural changes that support the planet, London’s environment, and you! See all upcoming events for the Green in the City series here.
Making Sustainable Transportation Choices | November 3rd, 7-8:15pm
Sustainable transportation refers to modes of transportation that have a lower impact on the environment compared to conventional vehicles, such as public transit, cycling, carpooling, walking, or a combination of those. Sustainable transportation has the power to meet the mobility needs of the community to create a connected, efficient transportation system with lower emissions and improved air quality!
In this session, we will learn how public transit systems, Transportation Demand Management strategies, and cycling can empower you and create a more sustainable city and healthier environment for all. Featuring: